How call tracking can be utilised in the healthcare sector
Case – Healthcare
When consumers are looking for a healthcare provider, they are more likely to pick up the phone than fill out an online contact form. Consumers often want to gather more information about a healthcare institution quickly.
In this case, we will take a closer look at a large physical therapy practice. The organisation has thirty-five locations in the Amsterdam region. The campaigns for this practice are very local in nature. Furthermore, the campaigns make use of the urgency with which consumers typically need a physical therapist.
The physical therapy practice knows that it receives a lot of calls every day. These calls can roughly be divided into two categories:
- Existing clients who want to reschedule an appointment or have a question.
- New clients who want to receive more information or schedule an appointment.
The challenge lies in answering the following questions:
- Via what traffic sources and especially via what keywords in the Google Ads campaigns do new clients contact the organisation?
- What traffic sources do existing clients use to contact the practice?
Since Google Ads’ costs per click are so high, the goal is to minimise the number of existing visitors and existing clients that reach out to the organisation via Google Ads in order to keep the costs of this channel down.
By measuring incoming calls with call tracking and then evaluating calls via an evaluation menu, you gain insight into the traffic sources and keywords that are most valuable to you.
The evaluation menu is played immediately after every phone call. This allows employees to immediately evaluate the conversation they just had with the buttons on their phone. The evaluation menu is structured as follows:
- Press 1 for “Existing client”
- Press 2 for “New client”
- Press 3 for “Other”
By evaluating calls, it has become clear what calls results in new clients and what calls come from existing clients. After a month, it turns out that nearly half of all calls come from existing clients.
The evaluations show that existing clients mainly contact the organisation via the call extension in Google Ads, via Facebook or by going directly to the website. New clients, on the other hand, mostly come to the organisation via Google Ads. It has also become clear what keywords are used by existing and new clients, respectively. With the help of these data, the organisation can optimise its Google Ads campaigns in such a way as to primarily target new clients.
During the optimisation of the campaigns, several keywords were excluded. Now, the marketing budget is only spent on those keywords that actually generate new clients. The diagrams below illustrate the savings that the organisation was able to realise. From the time of the baseline measurement to the fourth quarter, the costs per conversion have gone down by more than twenty percent, while the conversion ratio has nearly doubled. The marketing budget remained the same throughout the entire period.