Doubling the conversion ratio with the help of call tracking
Case – BIS
BIS advises, designs, realises and maintains spaces that house audio-visual and ICT solutions. Its mission is to create an optimally designed work environment. BIS’ services are targeted towards professional end users. The company has locations in the Netherlands and Belgium, but also operates in the United Kingdom, Germany and France.
BIS offers a wide range of services and has a broad target audience. The company receives a ton of website traffic, yet its conversion ratio is very low.
BIS knows that it receives many calls and also finds that phone call leads have often already visited the company’s website. The challenge is to gain insight into these telephone contact moments. The company wants insight into its traffic sources and the keywords that actually generate conversions.
The solution is dynamic call tracking. With dynamic call tracking, every new website visitor is shown a unique telephone number, which grants insight into the referring traffic source.
This reveals what traffic sources and keywords generate telephone contact and are therefore most valuable.
By using dynamic call tracking, BIS has acquired insight into all realised conversions. The company already had insight into its online conversions via Google Analytics. With the addition of call tracking, the organisation has a complete overview of all its conversions. The diagram below clearly illustrates the difference between the period prior to the implementation of call tracking and the period during which call tracking was utilised. The marketing budget remained the same throughout the entire period. After the implementation of call tracking, the number of sessions goes down and the number of conversions increases.
By excluding certain keywords, it was possible to invest more in valuable keywords. This has resulted in more valuable visitors and ultimately generates more leads. With the right insights, it was possible to make better marketing decisions and better justify the marketing budget.
By using call tracking, the company realised the following:
- Doubled conversion ratio
- Insight into the keywords that generate conversions
- Better justification of its marketing budget